Song : Inheritance
Album : Night Is The New Day
Artist :Katatonia
Year : 2009
Genre : Doom/Gothic Metal
"It's now been three years since The Great Cold Distance came out and, rightfully so, we had to let the distance ring out long and loud. Katatonia was not a product conceived at a manufacturing facility. We never inserted ourselves inside the grinding wheel of being a product line - hyped when brand new, tossed away when outdated. Bands come and go, rise and fall. We're a brick in that wall too, but won’t crash overnight, because we walked this road for two decades, slowly. Fortunately, we're past the level where struggling bands get caught in the claws of the fast food concept of the music industry. From day one, it was always about a long term mission, something to go hand in hand and accompany a chosen lifestyle through all its stages. The foundation and concept of Katatonia was, and still is, to channel the negative aspects of living into artistic creativity, and we're well aware that the outcome of that is simply not for everyone to embrace. Our new work is manifested in the whole album as a solid piece, not as destined selections for the very commercial media to deliver the soundtrack to accompany John Doe's shallow daily routines. Airplay doesn't last, but albums are forever.
Katatonia can not be creatively driven by anyone or anything but our own hands, but also we, in turn, need the guidance from our inner demons to understand the direction that lies ahead. The only fuel compatible to our engine is the magic of definite and divine inspiration, without it things go stumbling in the dark, unable to progress nor regress. Katatonia started because we had a calling and will end when our inner demons no longer speak to us. This time it took a while longer to discover what was behind the door at the end of the long corridor we walked down with the last album. In this time it took for us to get here, we discovered that we could extract the distraction that kept blocking us and use it as the source of inspiration itself; all the fear and worries of the dark times ahead, the apathy of the current state of mind, the lack of hope, the struggle to find a meaning and, maybe most of all, realising the decline of the western civilization is constantly growing and well underway. That will be the time when the night is the new day."
Anders, 2009
یه مدتیه چند کار 2009 از گروه های مختلف گرفتم یکی از یکی فوق العاده تر ... اکثر آهنگاشون هم عالیه .. واقعاً تو این مدت لذت بردم ! پیشنهاد می کنم این البوم کاتاتونیا رو بشنوید یه کار خیلی زیبا و قوی دیگه هم داره که دفعه ی بعد معرفیش می کنم ... در عجبم بعضی ها چطور بدون موسیقی زندگی می کنند و بعضی ها چطور هر مزخرفی رو به گوش و روح و روان شون می ریزند !!
Song : Lunatic Soul
Album :Lunatic Soul
Artist : Lunatic Soul
Year : 2008
Genre : Progressive Rock
Lunatic Soul biographyThe LUNATIC SOUL is a solo studio project from RIVERSIDE's bass guitarist and vocalist Mariusz DUDA featuring RIVERSIDE's keyboard player Micha³ £APAJ on the Hammond organ with Maciej SZELENBAUM playing keyboards, piano, flutes, harmonica and qujang, Wawrzyniec DRAMOWICZ from INDUKTI on drums and QUIDAM's Maciej MELLER utilising the e-bow on an unspecified stringed instrument.
While far removed from RIVERSIDE's Progressive Metal it is not difficult to see comparisons and similarities to the parent band in the music contained on the eponymous debut album - not least of all because of DUDA's distinctive clean vocals, the occasional guttural growl and, despite the lack of electric guitars, the pounding acoustic guitar riffs that appear on some of the tracks. However, this is not the lighter, unplugged side of DUDA, it is a dark brooding mix of eclectic sounds with ethnic instruments and influences evoking eastern/oriental themes, psychedlic-era PINK FLOYD-like rhythms, swirling and ethereal keyboards reminiscent of early PORCUPINE TREE tied together by songs that are surprisingly accessible and melodic.
خیلی وقته چیزی ننوشتم و وبلاگ هام سری نزدم .. به خصوص اینجا که مدتهاست منتظر نوشتن چند متن هایپریکی و یه تحلیله از تجربیات این حدوداْ یک سال و نیم ! در هر صورت فعلاْ این یک اهنگ رو داشته باشید تا به زودی در ادامه ی این سیر جدید زندگیم که به تازگی شروع شده به وبلاگ هام برگردم و سر و سامانی به اوضاع اینجا بدم ... آهنگ زیبائیه برای من به هم ریخته ی خشمگین این روزها !!